Document Translation Services in Global Business

With globalization affecting every sector, there has been an enormous growth in translation service providers of-late. In order to expand business in any nation, companies hire these agencies to translate business texts/documents into the languages of their targeted consumers. Document translation is an important global marketing strategy which is adopted by various companies and organizations. So, if a company wants to offer its products and services to its consumers in Italy, it will have to translate its business documents into Italian language by hiring expert translators.

Translation companies have made it possible to share information and ideas from one language to another. They provide translations for websites and documents for various businesses to target their multilingual customers and help them in numerous ways. Let us discuss the reasons why one should hire them:

• Translators are native language speakers who produce accurate translations. By hiring them, you can make use of their expertise to target your audience and localize your website or document according to their culture.

• Hiring professional translation can give access to a pool of talented language specialists. They can provide you industry specific translations complying with the industry standards.

• Hiring professional translation services ensures confidentiality of information. They sign a non-disclosure agreement which inhibits them to disclose or share any information contained in your documents.

• With professional translation services you can hold the copyright of your documents. As you soon as you get the final copy of your translations, you receive the copyright alongside which ensures that nobody can use your info or steal any part of your document for his own benefit. If you find an information breach, you can take legal actions against the doer.

• Translation companies provide cost-effective and comprehensive range of services which include editing, proofreading and formatting unlike freelancer or free translation services.

• They provide human touch to your translations unlike machine translations which cannot maintain the nuances of topics which are related to emotions. Moreover, machine or computerized translations appear to be more generic.

• They deliver quick turnaround unlike a freelance translator who move deadlines and doesn’t sign any contract.

• Translation services provide additional services like localization and interpretation services along with language translation.

• They maintain customer relations and have a full range of customer support to handle their client. With a good customer support, you can ask for re-writes and make any changes in the translated document which is not possible with freelance translators.

It is evident that hiring professional document translation services for your business is wort

Translation Services in India and Language Translators: An Overview

India is a country of multiple languages: 22 scheduled languages recognised by the Indian Constitution. In addition, there are more than 1500 languages and dialects used across the country. In no other country does the importance of translation take on such mammoth significance!

Tri-Language Treatment

Ah, the wisdom of the founders of the Indian Constitution!

They felt that every Indian needed three languages: one to identify with the local group (call it the mother tongue), one for national identity (Hindi), and one for international communication (English).Thus was born the Three Language Formula.

Three languages are bare minimum: just enough to get through school and college but certainly not enough for all the activities that make up life in the modern world.

Need for translation within India

Just run through all the channels on TV. Think of all the movies that you have seen dubbed into various languages: don’t marvel at James Bond speaking fluent Hindi or Rajnikant being the new (or old?) Japanese heartthrob! Consider that a friend was awarded for translating science books into Urdu- something much needed.

Music, literature, films, TV shows, political speeches, textbooks, documents, and innumerable written and oral necessities require translation to transcend regional boundaries. Effective translation is essential to reflect local languages, sentiments, and ethos.

India, the Global player

Acknowledging the attraction that India, with a population of 1.25 billion, holds, Google’s top boss, Sundar Pichai says, “India shapes how we build products. If something works in India, it will work globally.”

India is playing meaty roles on the international stage and is all set to play bigger parts and star leads. This isn’t possible unless communication ceases to be a barrier: thus, the need for translation services. Multi-national = multi-lingual: let there be no doubt.

Why Translation?

Translation is important for companies and businesses which operate in multiple regions and countries to share information, make government proposals, tie-up with local businesses, in short, for all the multifarious activities that get everyone involved on the same page.

A country’s external affairs, in the world of international diplomacy, demand that ideas, points of view and negotiations are put forward clearly and accurately. Diplomats and world leaders are most lucid in their tongues; translation inaccuracies can cause significant problems.

Creative content like literature, video and audio content, subtitles for movies and TV content, etc. need creative translation to be able to strike a chord with target audiences.

Every local channel on TV has a capsule of international news. How would this be possible without translation services? The news is a crusade for free and fair living, and translation is all the more important to make reliable news accessible to everyone.

The World Wide Web and the Internet have brought together ‘far-flung neighbours’ by negating the concepts of distance and boundary. The rich and diverse human community cannot co-exist and thrive without communication. Translation and translation services are no longer an option; they are a compulsion.

Translator par excellence

Simply put, translation converts the text/content of a source language (SL) into an accurate and understandable version of the target language (TL). Successful translation is never mechanical: it is creative.

This is why excellence in translation requires translators of quality.

A good translator should be fluent in at least two languages.

He/ she must have more than a working knowledge of the languages.

He/she must be comfortable in the linguistic systems as well as the relevant cultures. In other words, the ‘feel’ for language is what makes for successful translation.

Excellence in translation requires adequate knowledge of the subject. Technical translations, legal jargon, religious translations, and scientific journals need in-depth knowledge. Accurate translations are not possible when you grope in the darkness of limited knowledge.

A good translator is also a good researcher when necessary. When in doubt, check and recheck: this should be the motto.

Accurate translation may need some tools and aids like dictionaries, encyclopedias, glossaries of technical and scholarly works, etc. The conscientious translator will make use of one or all of such tools. Discussions and consultations to clear doubts are also advisable.

The style, as well as the content of translation, should be true to the original. The challenge in translating is that the translator is not the original author but the translated material should read like it is the original and not a poor copy.

Translators need the patience to do a thorough job. Timely work is of the utmost importance too. So a good translator cannot afford to be a clock-watcher but must have an eye on the clock!

Excellence in translation rarely means mere reproduction and replication. If you think of language as a window to a world, then every language is a different window which will show you a different view. That is why mechanical/ computer translations are never adequate and ill-advised.

Translation Services in India

When communication is a prerequisite, so is translation: whether it is between languages spoken in India or to move freely across global platforms.

Businesses must realise that professional translation services offer them access to expertise and resources that only experts in translations are familiar with. So, why not concentrate on the core business and delegate translation to the most competent?

It is also important to choose a translation service that has the highest ethical standards of confidentiality and will keep all work safe and secure: someone who values intellectual property highly.

Certified Translation Service – An Art of Expanding Business in the Foreign Land

Particularly talking about translation, it involves conversion of a word or text on to other equivalent language. Certified translation service is useful for corporate companies, as it works globally. It offers the facility of translating a document for official purpose in a particular locality or country and checks the translated document repeatedly to give 100% accuracy.

Most of the businesses use this service for working with their foreign client effectively. This service puts an end to many issues related to the translation in a business industry. Interested enterprises or individuals can benefit from a range of translation service providing companies available at present.

Technical translation services

It translates various technical documents, which include:

Instruction manuals
Technical documents
Help in documentation
Safety information
Tender documents
Data sheets
Legal translation

The services regarding legal translation are important to start a business or to proceed to foreign clients. This translation includes

Translating contracts
Article of associates
Case bundles
Witness statements
Legally relevant documents
Website translation service

This service helps businesses enter the international market website and connect to the people in different countries. It encourages the markets to get more audience in their own language.

Business translation services

The major seekers of this service are the business companies that are planning to collaborate with foreign delicates. This translation includes

Business documents
Marketing materials
Terms and conditions
Tips for translation

If you are opting for a translation service, you need to be careful about the service provider if it offers you the service in cheap rates.
It is necessary to demand for use of modern technologies like CAT tool software, Modern Technologies etc.
It is important to know the type of translation that needs to undergo translation.
You need to be very careful while translating the documents. Translation of document should have proper breaks.
It will be easy to deliver the messages when you know the target audience. You will be more comfortable and will deliver the right message.

There are many benefits of certified translation service. To start with, it is useful in government as well as in commercial sectors. It is available in more than 100 languages, and offers the facility of translating the local language to the desired and meaningful language.

Translation service is the way to expand into foreign market to make a good bonding between foreign clients through legal papers. People often get confused between in translation and interpretation. Here are few important differentiating points:

In translation, the text or word converts from one language to other, whereas in interpretation the conversion of oral communication takes place from one language to other.
Translation needs time while interpretation takes just the time till a meeting or a conference lasts.

Importance of Professional Translation Services in Public Sector

Do we need translation services in the public sector? When you look at the public sector in different countries, what can prompt them to agitate for translation services?

As we talk about translation services, we mean translating documents from one language to another, might be from English to German or German to English, but not limited to these two languages.

Public places are always bombarded by people who speak different languages seeking for help, so how do they understand each other? Basically, translation and interpretation are the best choices in this place.

What is public sector?

This is part of the economy controlled by the government in any country and plays a role in delivering social services to the communities. We can talk of places like government hospitals, public schools, police, army, local government and etc.

Currently, the United States public sector increased the procurement of translation services to help people who are non-English speakers, these people need government services like health care, education, legal aid, and public protection. To ease communication, translation is proved to work better.

The governments in different countries can procure translation and interpretation services from professional translation agencies with professional translators and interpreters working in their own native languages.

How translation services helpful to the public sector?

Not only the public sector that requires translation services, different business entities, private organizations and individual business dealings all over the world today need translations so as to run their activities smoothly.

Government hospitals as part of the public sector require translation services, why? With medical related issues, it’s all about dealing with the lives and the health of people. This requires clear communication between the doctor and the patient. A medical interpreter will help the patient to explain the problem fully to the doctor as well as making sure that the doctor understands the patient’s problem. As I said earlier that in public places like medical centers, health care units, people of different tribes, different language speakers visit these them looking for medical care, translation services will, therefore, be helpful.

On the side of security providers like police and army, translation services will make police play their role smoothly in maintaining the law and order, translation agencies have translators and interpreters in all different fields, police will be provided with police translators and interpreters if required and will expertly do their work by conveying the message to the public in different languages. For those who cannot read police and army published documents in the source language provided, their respective translators and interpreters are available to provide translations interpreting services.

In Marc Jones article in 7th/01/2016, says in 2012 and 2013, the Lincolnshire police spent £373,958 for translation services for more than 30 languages. This comes to my observation that translation is a vital activity everywhere in the world, it, therefore, helps the police to have a clear communication with people.

Legal aid access needs translation services. There are people who may not afford and need legal representation in courts of law, basing on the fact that someone is a non-English speaker a language which is commonly used in various offices, legal aid translation and interpretation is necessary.

Under public education sector, we find that translation services play a vital role in fostering communication between students who are non-English speakers and teachers. Public education will need translators and interpreters to help learners to access education services in a language they understand. It will be discriminating if education services are offered in one language which some people can’t understand and it will show that the government ignores foreign native speakers to attend classes in her country.

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